Absolute Salsa http://www.absolutesalsa.co.uk Absolute Salsa is based in Derbyshire, UK and organises and promotes salsa related events and dance classes. |
AccessDance Network http://www.accessdance.com We work with leading dance organizations to supply you with comprehensive information about dance products & services and the businesses that provide them to you. |
Angel Ortiz http://www.angelortiz.com See some of the most wonderful and beautiful places that have a passion for Salsa music and dance. My continuing contribution to salsa dancing spans 14yrs and there is still more to do and places to see. |
Ballroom Arkansas http://www.ballroom-arkansas.com Ballroom dance news, Web links, Arkansas dance calendar, Ballroom dance tips, Dancers' E-Mail list... |
Ballroom Chicago http://www.ballroomchicago.com/ Your Internet Source For Dance Information For Chicagoland and the Midwest |
Ballroom Dance Classes Ithaca http://hometown.aol.com/trifalcondove/ballroom_dance.html |
Ballroom Dancing http://www.ballroomdances.org/ where to go ballroom dancing from Western MA, and the NY Capital District |
Ballroom Rhythms http://www.ballroomrhythms.com Online Dancesport Magazine |
BallroomDancers.com http://www.ballroomdancers.com/ Complete Ballroom Related Directory |
Brandin' Iron Dance Festival http://www.bidancefestival.com |
Centralhome.com http://www.centralhome.com/ballroomcountry/default.htm Centralhome.com is a web site dedicated to the promotion of dance, exercise, fitness and sports. |
Chicago Dance News http://www.chicagodancenews.com/ |
Cyber Dance http://www.cyberdance.org This is a collection of over 3,500 links to classical ballet and modern dance resources on the Internet. |
Dance in Chicago http://salsadanza.tripod.com/chicagonightlife An Inter - City Cultural ( Dance ) Communications website between the cities of Chicago, and Ithaca, New York. |
Dance in Time Production http://www.danceintimeproductions.com We teach, perform, and promote Salsa and Casino Rueda. Casino Rueda is a group form of Salsa dancing that is absolutely loads of fun. |
Dance is Fun in Binghamton http://www.geocities.com/falconstrike2000/Dance_is_Fun_in_Binghamton.html |
Dance is Fun in Buffalo http://www.geocities.com/falconstrike2000/Dance_is_Fun_in_Buffalo.html |
Dance is Fun in Chicago. http://www.geocities.com/falconstrike2000/Dance_is_Fun_in_Chicago.html |
Dance is Fun in Miami http://www.geocities.com/falconstrike2000/Dance_is_Fun_in_Miami.html |
Dance is Fun In New York City http://www.geocities.com/falconstrike2000/Dance_is_Fun_in_New_York_City.html |
Dance is Fun in Rochester http://www.geocities.com/falconstrike2000/Dance_is_Fun_in_Rochester.html |
Dance is Fun in Syracuse http://www.geocities.com/falconstrike2000/Dance_is_Fun_in_Syracuse.html |
Dance is Fun in Toronto http://www.geocities.com/falconstrike2000/Dance_is_Fun_in_Toronto.html |
Dance is Fun in Washington DC http://www.geocities.com/falconstrike2000/Dance_is_Fun_in_Washington_D_C.html |
Dance New England http://www.dne.org Dance New England (DNE) is a creative collective of individuals who love to dance, as well as a consortium of cooperatively-run, not-for-profit freestyle barefoot dances in the New England area. |
Dance News http://www.dance-news.co.uk/ UNITED KINGDOM AND INTERNATIONAL NEWS TO THE WORLD |
Dance Okanagan http://www.danceokanagan.com How, where, when and what to dance in the Okanagan Valley |
Dance Partner http://www.dancepartner.com/ Over 10,200 dancers! The largest dance partner directory on the net! |
Dance Plaza http://www.danceplaza.com |
Dance Show http://www.onlinevadim.com |
Dance Spots http://www.DanceSpots.net |
Dance Vision http://www.dancevision.com Buy 5 Videos/DVDs and Get Your Sixth One FREE When you purchase 5 qualifying Videos/DVDs of your choice at one time (all 6 Videos/DVDs in one order), we give you the lowest priced Videos/DVDs of the 6 free. You pay only, regular shipping and handling. There is no limit to the amount of Videos/DVDs you may order or the number of times you may take advantage of this amazing offer. Order Now! ![]() |
Dancesport Info http://www.dancesportinfo.net |
DanceWeb http://www.danceweb.co.uk/ The interactive directory of Dance News, Dance Classes, Dance Products, Dance Suppliers and Web Resources for the UK Dance Community. ![]() |
Dancing Jungle http://users.skynet.be/bk211813/ |
Dancing List http://www.dancinglist.com A website dedicated to contact dancing in Florida, Ontario and WNY |
Eugene Salsa http://www.eugenesalsa.com A resource for everything Salsa Dancing in Eugene, Oregon and beyond |
Hand Dance http://www.handdance.org/ Swinging With The National Hand Dance Association |
Henry's Dance Hotlist http://hneeman.oscer.ou.edu/dance_hotlist.html Welcome to Henry Neeman's Dance Hotlist! |
Houston Dance http://www.houstondance.com Houston's most comprehensive website dedicated to the promotion of all types of Houston based dance including Ballroom and Dancesport. |
I Can Dance http://www.icandance.com Swing and Salsa Dancing in Palm Desert and Palm Springs area |
Ithaca Night Life's Dance Spots http://salsadanza.tripod.com/ithacanightlife An Inter - City Cultural ( Dance ) Communications website between the cities of Chicago, New York City, Toronto, Washington DC, and Ithaca, New York - to promote Ithaca as a Dance Cultural Magnet Destination City. |
Jason Hecht http://www.jasonhecht.com/index.cfm |
Jitterbuzz http://www.jitterbuzz.com/ Swing Dancing and Retro Lifestyle in Washington DC |
Just Salsa http://www.justsalsa.com |
JY Ballet http://www.jyballet.com/ Welcome to JY Ballet. Explore and see the wonders of what this site has to offer you. this website is free and for your education and enjoyment.... Everything you want to know is just a few clicks away! |
Latin Dance Directory http://www.latindancedirectory.com One of the largest latin dance directory. ![]() |
Latin Motion http://www.latinmotion.com.au Salsa Dancing Australia |
Los Angeles Swing Times http://www.nocturne.com/swing/ |
Mass Clubs http://www.massclubs.com |
Miss Wolff's Jiving School http://www.jiving.com |
MSN Dance Info http://groups.msn.com/Danceinfo |
New Dancer http://www.newdancer.com/ NML has been created as a one-stop solution for seeking, finding, and managing all types of Music careers. Today, the NML community continues to grow with more and more Singers, Musicians, Producers, Agents and Record Labels looking to us. Aspiring individuals have a relaxed environment to meet others in the industry from all across the globe. Best of all, NML is open 24 hours a day offering world-wide media exposure. ![]() |
New York Dance Nightclub Guide http://www.ritmocity.com/nyc_salsa_nightclubs.html |
NY NJ Salsa Festival http://www.nynjsalsafestival.com Luis Zegarra in association with Nelson Flores present The NY/NJ Salsa Festival 2004 |
Patricia Straight http://www.dancesounds.com/ Disc Jockey & Dance Teacher |
Planet Salsa http://www.planetsalsa.com Planet Salsa brings you the latest Salsa Scene news, interviews, events, previews, clubs and feature articles sharing exclusive insights on Salsa dance and music. |
Planet Tango http://www.planet-tango.com/ Your complete connection to the world of Argentine Tango |
Psalm 30:11 Tours & Studio http://www.invitation.to/dance Combining the Best of Travel & Ballroom Dance! |
Roundalab http://www.roundalab.org The International Association of Round Dance Teachers, Inc |
Salsa Addicts http://www.salsaaddicts.co.uk |
Salsa Boston http://salsaboston.com/ A site to disperse information to the local dancers and a place for the promoters to advertise what's up |
Salsa Casino http://www.salsacasino.com/ |
Salsa Centro http://www.salsacentro.com |
Salsa Chicago http://www.salsachicago.com Providing Information on Chicago Latin Entertainment! |
Salsa Chillout http://www.salsachillout.com |
Salsa Community http://www.salsacommunity.com |
Salsa Dallas http://www.salsadallas.com/ Salsadallas salsa website and Latin dance Dallas |
Salsa Frenzy http://salsafrenzy.com/ a global directory of Salsa dance "addicts", plus a calendar of Boston Salsa events, and more! |
Salsa Memphis http://www.salsamemphis.com This website was built to educate local Memphians about the rich history behind salsa dancing. |
Salsa New York http://www.salsanewyork.com A Web site about New York Style Mambo Dancing "Breaking on 2" |
Salsa Rican http://www.salsarican.com |
Salsa SF http://www.salsasf.com/ |
Salsaymambo http://www.salsaymambo.com SalsaYMambo salsa classes and events |
San Diego Swings http://www.sandiegoswings.com |
Savoy Style http://www.savoystyle.com/ |
Swing Dance Music http://www.swingdancemusic.com |
Tango Tutor http://www.tangotutor.com Paul Palmintere is a premier Tango Instructor who teaches Argentine Tango. |
The Dancers Information Link http://www.softcom.net/users/bcdancer/ The "Dancers Information Link" is a place for dancers to come to find info on dancing offered in the Sacramento, Reno and Bay Areas, and National information as well. The information here will be updated at least weekly, unless I'm on vacation. Photos shown are donated by Clubs or individuals. |
The New Inter - City ( New York City ) Dance
Culture http://salsadanza.tripod.com/newyorkcitynightlife An Inter - City Cultural ( Dance ) Communications website between the cities of New York City, and Ithaca, New York. |
The New Inter - City ( Toronto ) Dance
Culture http://salsadanza.tripod.com/torontonightlife An Inter - City Cultural ( Dance ) Communications website between the cities of Toronto and Ithaca, New York. |
The Toronto Dance Portal http://www.torontodance.com The Toronto Dance Portal |
Time to Dance http://www.time2dance.com/ To find resources such as Dance Instructors, Dance Studios, Dance Events, Dance Competitions, Retailers, and more, visit our Online Directory |
USABDA-norcal http://www.usabda-norcal.org The USABDA Northern California ("NorCal") chapter is a non-profit organization, a chapter of the United States Amateur Ballroom Dancers' Association, and a member of the International DanceSport Federation. |